Ways To Remove Pigmentation From Face Permanently

Ways to Reduce Excess Melanin in Skin Permanently

Brown spots on face? Wondering if it’s the dreaded pigmentation? 

Did you know normal Indian skin is pigmented and it’s common to have it around the eyes and mouth, elbows, knees and other areas?

Healthy luminescent skin with good texture and equally distributed pigment on face is something everyone desires. Skin brightening treatment involves several procedures that can help your skin get balanced, in a healthy holistic way. Achieving even-toned skin is possible with the right guidance.  You can avail skin brightening treatment in Bangalore from reputed clinics and medical facilities. 

Excessive Melanin Production

Melanin is the pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes their colour. The higher the melanin content in the skin, the darker the skin colour. Melanin has a protective function, which creates a barrier against the harmful rays of the sun and prevents skin cancer. In the process, however, your body produces more melanocytes to prevent further damage, thus making the skin darker. It is a beautiful natural defence mechanism of your body to protect from harmful UV rays and yet we complain when we get tanned. 

Excessive production of this pigment on parts of your face and body can contribute to the appearance of darker spots and patches. For many people without treatment, uneven skin tone can be frustrating as well as embarrassing.  It can even make you less confident and lower your self-esteem, reducing the quality of your life. Melanin reduction treatment in Bangalore is often recommended to people who experience emotional or psychological distress due to uneven skin tones.

How to Reduce Melanin in Skin Permanently?

Although many recommend resorting to home remedies, they are hardly effective in reducing hyperpigmentation. In fact, alternative skin whitening treatment in Bangalore include several non-invasive and safe procedures that show results in no time. Here are some of the major treatment options:

Topical Medications 

The extent of pigmentation varies depending upon the production of melanin pigments. For milder or less extensive pigmentation, you can be prescribed topical application of medications. Topical applications contain certain agents which reduce formation of melanin such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, azelaic acid and vitamin C. Retinoids are also effective in reducing types of hyperpigmentation, such as post-inflammatory acne and sun spots. 

Chemical Peels

Chemical peel is a popular procedure used for the treatment of excessive melanin caused by acne, sun exposure and melasma. During a chemical peel procedure, different acids like mandelic, glycolic or lactic acids are used.

These chemical agents are applied on the skin which initiates the peeling of your skin in a controlled manner. This treatment works on the top-most layer of your skin and slowly makes it come off. It is essential to get this skin whitening treatment in Bangalore done by experts to get a safe and effective procedure performed. You may require several sessions, 4 to 6 weeks apart, to see visible results. 

Laser Therapy

One of the most effective procedures in reducing pigmentation from the face and parts of the body is laser therapy. Laser works by targeting the melanin spots or areas that have high concentration of melanin. The lasers emit energy, which heats the pigments, eventually destroying them in the process.

Advanced Q-switched lasers work wonders on reducing the appearance of dark spots and patches. This therapy targets only the pigmented skin, without affecting the surrounding or neighbouring skin tissues. Laser therapy is effective in giving you a more even and brighter skin tone. Lasers are a fantastic way of reducing pigmentation permanently upon undergoing several sessions.  

Recommended Reading – Pigmentation Around Mouth: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Mesotherapy with Tranexamic Acid

An effective treatment for the reduction of pigments and signs of ageing, mesotherapy for skin is an advanced therapy. It involves injecting a blend of substances into the mesodermal layer of your skin that improves the tone and texture of your skin. The performance of this therapy is further boosted when tranexamic acid is combined in the process. Mesotherapy is even more effective when followed by platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP), which boosts your skin’s appearance. It is one of the most cost-effective treatments, in addition to being one of the fastest to show results. 

Bottom Line:

While it is unrealistic to expect a drastic change in your complexion from these treatment options, you can notice a more even toned skin as you continue with the processes. Besides, protecting your skin from further sun damage or pigmentation becomes extremely crucial. Before you undergo any skin whitening treatment in Bangalore, you must consult a dermatologist and talk about particular skin concerns that you may have. 

Continue Reading : Comprehensive Guide For Skin Pigmentation Treatment Options


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